Home / June 1996

June 1996


Meeting Notes

Special Edition: June 1996

The ACT! SIG is on summer hiatus for July and August. Our next meeting is slated for September 10th. The topic will be ACT! 3.0. In the mean time, here are 10 tips certain to make your friends believe you’re on your way to becoming an ACT! guru.


1. To quickly schedule a call directly onto the ACT! calendar, DOUBLE CLICK on a blank week calendar spot, then click “OK”. A call will be scheduled for the record you are on.

2. To log the name of a contact (you have written a letter to) into ACT!’s history, perform the FILE SAVE command before printing.

3. Use the F9 key to quickly open and CLOSE ACT!’s notes. Also, you can use the F6 key to switch screens, F8 and ESC to open and close the view list window, and the F4 and INSERT keys to insert the current date.

4. To “speed tag” a list of contacts, view the list (F8) and use the arrow keys in conjunction with the space bar to tag/un-tag contacts.

5. When inserting new contacts with group affiliations, open the group of interest first. This way the contact will be automatically included in that group.

6. To quickly jump to a contact, use the Phone Quick List (via an icon you assign) to quickly look up key contacts without placing a call. After clicking on the contact’s name, immediately hit the space bar (or enter key) and then the ESC key.

7. Use the View Group Membership command to easily change group memberships.

8. Keyword searches can now be limited to notes, history, etc. Note that keyword searches only search the active group.

9. Use “CTRL-F5” to insert a “null” or blank field in conjunction with the Lookup other and Edit Current lookup functions. In this way you can search for blank fields or clear a field for all contacts.

10. To save time when entering contacts, set the field defaults (EDIT, FIELD DEFAULTS) such as “State” to your own state. If you set it’s attribute to uppercase (EDIT, FIELD ATTRIBUTES, DATA TYPE: Uppercase), it will stand out in case you have to change it.

© Copyright 1996 by Alan M. Lee, all rights reserved. Other nonprofit computer user’s groups may reprint this material providing credit is given the author and C.C.S. Future rights for publication reserved by Alan M. Lee. ACT! is a registered trademark of Symantec Corporation.
